Dean Childs pt. 2
Dean Childs - [Sprint and Middle Distance bloodlines including "KITTEL", "LINCIA", "VENUS", "BEST KITTEL"]
Starting 15/09/24 10pm - Ending 21/08/24 4pm - *** THESE PIGEONS ARE WITH DEAN CHILDS ***
In recent years Dean Childs has established himself as one of the best National fliers in the UK.
His record includes 1st Nationals from Pau, St Vincent, Fougeres and Bordeaux.
These National wins are backed up by another TEN performances in the top SIX of National competition.
You'll find the bloodlines of various KBDB Champions here like "KITTEL", "LINCIA", "VENUS", "BEST KITTEL" etc
In addition to that Dean has a close relationship with Mark Gilbert and many of the finest bloodlines of Mark's are found in Dean's birds
Included in this sale are pigeons DIRECT from birds that have won 1st Open BICC etc.
You cannot argue with that!