Ron Hillcoat pt 4
Ron Hillcoat pt 4 [Stock Reduction 5yr olds - D.V.D. Bulck + Pitbull + Johny Panis]
Starting 02/09/24 10pm - Ending 08/09/24 8pm
Ron Hillcoat of Sowerby Bridge
A superb draft of Dirk van den Bulck, Johny Panis and the famous Pitbull, including winners and brothers/sisters to winners, all bred from direct imported stock.
“A never ending pursuit of the highest quality pigeons from the top Continental lofts, Ron has been producing top winners for many top fanciers each season”
Testimonials from fanciers around the UK who have reported top performances with pigeons bred by Ron can be found on the Excelsior sales list!
Excelsior Pigeon are delighted to present this draft of pigeons on behalf of Sowerby Bridge's Ron Hillcoat.
Ron has a great reputation as a good source of being able to breed winners for fanciers up and down the UK
His bloodlines are so good that this comes as no surprise.
Ron has spent a fortune with Marcel Sangers and he has direct children out of virtually everything you can think of
There's also some absolutely elite Pitbull and birds carrying the bloodline of the rising super breeder "WITTE DIRK"
On offer here are some sensationally well bred pigeons, direct from highly valuable and very sought after breeders.
They are a lovely type, vibrant and full of class. We expect breeders of winners to come from this sale
Amongst those fanciers flying Ron’s birds are his good friends Mr & Mrs Stephen Booth. Each season a team of young birds are bred by Ron and raced by Mr & Mrs Booth (previously Booth & Bowers). Their star performers include, ‘59’, winner of 4 x 1st, 5 x 2nd etc in the Federation (plus many other 3rds, 4ths Federation etc), and it’s nestmate ‘60’, also a top performer with 7 x 1st, 4 x 2nd, 3 x 3rd etc. in Federation, then there is ‘606’, in two years racing he has amassed, 10 x 1sts including 5 x 1st Federation as well as other top prizes.
“We go to Ron every year because he has the very best. We race them every week and are more than satisfied with the quality and the top results which they have for us” Stephen Booth.
2022 Old Bird Racing
Club One with 4 bird clocking limit (top 4 positions only, 14 races flown)
12 x 1sts, 11 x 2nds, 12 x 3rds, 13 x 4ths etc.
Club Two with 4 bird clocking limit (top 4 positions only, 14 races flown)
13 x 1sts, 11 x 2nds, 9 x 3rds, 13 x 4ths etc.
Federation with 4 bird clocking limit (top 4 positions only, 14 races flown0
6 x 1sts, 7 x 2nds, 8 x 3rds, 9 x 4ths etc.
2022 Young Bird Racing
8 races flown;
In club 6 x 1sts, (First race 3rd and 4th, all other races 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th each week, with 4 bird clocking limit.)
Federation with 4 bird clocking limit, First race, 3rd , 6th , 7th, 8th, Second race, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th ,Third race, 1st, 3rd, 5th 8th , Fourth race, 1st, 2nd, 6th, 7th, Fifth race, 1st, 3rd, 5th , 7th, Sixth race, 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, Seventh race, 1st, 2nd, 6th , 7th, Final race, 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th. Young Bird of Year in Federation
Mr & Mrs Stephen Booth
2023 Old Bird Racing
Federation results with 4 bird clocking limit, First race, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, Second Race, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, Third Race, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Fourth Race, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, Fifth Race, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, Sixth Race, 1st 2nd, 3rd, 5th, Seventh Race, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Eighth Race, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Ninth Race, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, Tenth Race, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, Eleventh Race 1st etc.
17th June 2023 ; 1st, 2nd, 3rd Border Amal
8th July 2023 : 1st Border Amal
British Homing World 7th July 2023 “In 2008 Stephen made what he described as the best phone call he’s ever made, he rang Simon Hughes of the A& S Hughes partnership of Rochdale, and a deal was made to buy a full round of latebreds off their stock team and 20 young birds to race for 2009, the then partnership of Booth & Bowers never looked back……Ten years later and Stephen made a another very good phone call to his very good friend over at Sowerby Bridge, Ron Hillcoat. Since then Ron has provided Stephen with a team of young birds to race every year, as everyone knows Ron buys the very, very best, of which Stephen has the best to race from his Stefaan Lambrechts, Heremans-Ceusters, Dirk Van Den Bulck and this season his Johnny Panis.
Stephen finished off by saying a huge thank you to Simon Hughes for all the help and advice over the years and also to Ron Hillcoat for his continued support and supplying some of the best bloodlines that are winning all over Europe"
Mr & Mrs Stephen Booth Total results 2023 – 4 Bird clocking limit in 2 clubs and Federation.
(Mainly Old Birds as Young Bird racing was stopped due to Y.B.S.)
2 Clubs (no duplications) 26 x 1sts, 25 x 2nds, 23 x 3rds, 23 x 4ths etc.
Federation; 10 x 1sts, 13 x 2nds, 9 x 3rds, 8 x 4ths etc.
Border Amal; 2 x 1sts, 2nd, 3rd.
Open Race : 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
Some principal winners bred by Ron Hillcoat;
23V12605 1st, 12609 2nd, 12601 1st, 12607 3rd, 12611 1st, 12612 1st, 12619 3rd, 12639 3rd, 12620 3rd
22V05566 2nd Fed, 2nd Fed, 21V05082 4th, 4th, 22V05595 1st Fed, 2nd Fed, 3rd Fed, 4th Fed
20V30625 10th Fed, 10th Fed, 22V05600 2nd Fed, 2nd Fed, 3rd Fed, 21V05036 1st,1st, 4th, 5th,
20V3026 1st Fed, 4th Fed, 5th Fed, 5th Fed. 5th Fed, 22V05563 4th Fed, 6th Fed, 20V80405 3rd Fed, 4th Fed, 21V05105 2nd Fed, 2nd Fed (often these positions are behind loft mates)
Mr & Mrs Stephen Booth – Old Bird results only 2024 - 4 Bird clocking limit in 2 clubs and Federation.
2 Clubs (no duplications) 27 x 1sts, 23 x 2nds, 24 x 3rds, 24 x 4ths etc.
Federation; 10 x 1sts, 10 x 2nds, 10 x 3rd, 10 x 4ths etc.
“Good old bird season, the best, Ron’s pigeons top” Stephen Booth
Top flyers Ward & Cullen, Wirral. Mo and Mike have won several top prizes with Ron’s birds including, Carentan, 293 miles, 1st Wollesey HS, 1st North Wirral Federation, 9th North Wirral Amal, 48th Combine. From Yeovil, 171 miles, they were 1st Club, 1st West Cheshire Federation, 1st Amal, 1st North West Combine against 10,684 birds, with their superb home bred cock NWHU17H6001, his sire was bred from a pair bred by Ron and his dam was bred by Ron.
Bobby Logan, Ayrshire, Scotland; “My wife Mary and myself have been visiting Ron and Iris in Sowerby Bridge for many years now. On each visit we have brought back young pigeons for future breeding and have never been disappointed with their offspring. The quality of Ron’s birds are second to none and we have consistently bred top winners from them. I would not go anywhere else.” Bobby Logan, Scotland.
2021 Brian Fitzsimmons, Cumbria writes; “ Hi Ron here are the 2 ring numbers of the young'uns that have flown out of their skins for me. ‘164’ this pigeon has been my first bird to the hut 4 times in 7 races and to date has been 2nd bird 3 times. He was 2nd club 10th fed ( yesterday) and 4th first race. He has won over £450 in our club and yesterday also won 1st in the BNFL 2 bird club which will be another £100.
In the 3 races in which ‘164’ has been beaten over the pad its been by ‘161’ a beauty cheq pied cock. He was 5th club first race and has also won £177 in our club.
I can also add the kit we got were absolutely beautiful superbly bred and a credit to you.
Yours in sport Brian Fitzsimmons”
“Hello again Ron, Your Blue cock ‘164’ was first up again, he ended up 17th Fed having overshot and came back, he will be well up in the Amal. He was 29th Amal last week from 2,500 birds. Also my 2nd pigeon ‘162’ is right in the mix. These young ‘uns are without doubt the best buy I’ve ever made. Top class! Yours in sport Brian Fitzsimmons”
New starters are given as much help as possible and several have gone on to be very good flyers!
“I started racing pigeons in 2020. I was advised by top flyer George Harrison to source some young birds to race from Ron Hillcoat, which I did. The results were spot on, giving me immediate success as young birds and yearlings. Quality pigeons from Ron” Graham Pearce, Barkston Ash Federation.
Hancock and Hutchinson & Broughton Bros and co.
“After doing our research in 2019 we decided to go to Ron to purchase some of his pigeons. We started with them in 2020 with success straight away we finished runners up to the brilliant partnership off Broughton Bros .
So with this success we went back to Ron in 2021 and started bringing a lot more in, also we let the partnership of Broughton Bros try some of these outstanding pigeons and in this season’s performance we were runners up to Broughton Bros again between the two partnerships with help from Ron’s brilliant pigeons we have gone on to win every young bird race only dropping 4 prizes .
Also top positions in the National flying club Guernsey, and between us first 4 in North Section, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, Open Guernsey North Midlands Continental club.
These pigeons thanks to Ron in my opinion are some of the best in the UK to date”
Russell Hancock of Hancock and Hutchinson
Jason Broughton of Broughton Bros and Co.
A small selection of Federation results won with 2021 pigeons all bred by Ron Hillcoat.
2022 Mark Sherwood, bred by Ron Hillcoat
‘001’- 3rd Fed, 3rd Sect. 4th Open N.M.C.C. 178 miles
‘006’- 8TH Fed, 10th Fed.
‘012’- 9th Sect. 11th Open N.M.C.C. 178 miles
‘014’- 9th Fed.
‘015’- 5th Fed, 10th Fed.
‘070’- 2nd Fed.
‘074’- 7th Fed, 18th Fed.
‘079’- 5th Fed, 10th Fed.
‘061’-2nd Fed, 5th Fed.
‘062’- 9th Fed.
‘009’- 1st Fed, 5th Fed, 14th Fed, 15th Fed.
‘075’- 3rd Fed, 7th Fed, 7th Fed, 1st Fed, 3rd Fed, 3rd Fed, 5th Fed.
GB21V05075 Best Old Bird Midland Combine 2022 when Mark won the Combine Average also RPRA Regional Sprint Award 2022
2022 Young bird races, bred by Ron Hillcoat
‘675’ - 1st and 12th Fed,
‘714’ - 5th and 9th Fed.
‘700’ - 10th, 14th and 15th Fed.
‘698’ - 1st and 8th Fed.
‘713’ - 2nd Fed.
‘695’ - 4th and 9th Fed.
‘662’ - 14th and 18th Fed.
‘680’ was 19th Fed.
GB22V050698 - RPRA Regional Sprint Award 2022
Booth & Bowers: 2021 Three special young birds;
‘021’- 1st Fed, 3rd Fed, 3rd Fed, 3rd Fed, 4th Fed, 6th Fed. (mainly beaten by loft mates)
‘031’- 1st Fed, 1st Fed, 2nd Fed, 3rd Fed. (also would have another 3 x 1sts when beaten on trap by loft mates).
‘028’- 4th Fed, 5th Fed. (behind loft mates)
Hancock & Hutchinson 2021
‘040’- 7th Fed.
‘050’- 20th Fed.
‘053’- 14th Fed.
‘113’- 1st Fed, 18th Fed, 39th Sect. 63rd Open N.M.C.C. 270 miles.
‘114’- 19th Fed, 38th Sect. 62nd Open N.M.C.C. 270 miles
‘115’- 6th Sect. 7th Open N.M.C.C. 270 miles
‘125’- 14TH Sect. 22nd Open N.M.C.C. 270 miles
‘119’- 15th Sect. 24th Open N.M.C.C. 270 miles
‘123’- 33rd Sect. 57th Open N.M.C.C. 270 miles
Russ Hancock
GB23V12821 3rd club
GB23V12655 1st club, 2nd Fed
GB23V12660 4th club 10th Fed
GB23V12642 5th club 11th Fed
Davy Calvin was 6th Tullamore Open NIPA 29-07-2022, 545 members sent 17,775 birds, with a cock bred from a hen purchased from Ron Hillcoat’s young bird sale on Excelsior Pigeons 2021.
2022 From Dave Brice
Old Bird Racing
1st Race; 2nd, 2nd Race; 3rd, 6th, 3rd Race; 4th, 5th, 6th 4th Race; 3rd, 5th
5th Race; 1st, 2nd, 4th 6th Race; 2nd, 4th 7th Race; 5th 8th Race; 2nd
8th Race; 4th, 9th Race; 1st, 2nd, 3rd 10th Race; 4th, 6th 11th Race; 2nd, 3rd.
Young Bird Racing
1st Race; 1st, 2nd, 3rd 2nd Race; 1st, 2nd, 3rd 3rd Race; 2nd, 4th, 5th.
“Hi Ron, many of the pigeons bred through yours” Dave
Part 2023 Mark Sherwood, pigeons bred by Ron Hillcoat (Mark also has prizes with pigeons which he has bred)
‘697’ – 1st club, 1st Fed, 1st club 2ND Fed, 7th club 7th Fed, 11th Fed
‘698’ - 2nd club 3rd Fed, 4th club 5th Fed, 5th club 9th Fed, 12th club 26th Fed, 5th club 21st Fed
‘680’ - 3rd club, 6th club 10th Fed, 9th club 16th Fed, 7th club 10th Fed, 1st Open North Midlands Continental Club 209 miles, 23rd Sect, N 68th Open North Midlands Continental Club 347 miles, 5th Sect. N 34th Open North Midlands Continental Club 409 miles
‘075’ - 4th club 6th Fed, 4th club 8th Fed, 2nd club 10th Fed, 1st club, 2nd Fed 2nd Combine, 14th Fed, 18th Fed
‘714’ - 1st club 2nd Fed, 10th club 18th Fed
‘716’ - 2nd club 3rd Fed
‘705’ - 3rd club 4th Fed
‘693’ - 6th club 7th Fed, 4th Open North Midlands Continental Club 209 miles,
‘691’ - 3rd equal Fed, 18th Fed, 12th Fed
‘692’ - 1st equal Fed, 4th Fed, 16th Fed
‘603’ - 9th Fed
‘713’ - 3rd equal Fed
‘714’ - 18th Fed
‘690’ - 19th Fed, 16th Fed
‘687’ - 3rd Fed, 29th Open North Midlands Continental Club 209 miles,
‘702’ – 1st Fed, 31st Open North Midlands Continental Club 209 miles.
‘688’ - 1st equal Fed
‘690’ - 1st equal Fed
‘709’ - 3rd equal Fed
‘009’ – 16th Sect N 47th Open North Midlands Continental Club 347 miles
Andy Bennett
GB23V12750 3rd club 3rd Fed
GB23V12809 5th club 5th Fed
Sherwood & Jones, pigeons bred by Ron Hillcoat (the partnership also have prizes with pigeons bred by themselves)
2024 Old Birds
‘684’ - 6th club, 6th Federation
‘715’ - 17th Federation
‘697’ - 1st club, 1st Federation, 1st club 5th Federation, 20th Federation
‘698’ - 2nd club, 2nd Federation
‘712’ - 3RD club, 3rd Federation6th Club 11th Federation
‘690’ - 4TH club, 4th Federation, 20th Federation
‘705’ - 7th Federation
‘713’ - 9Th Federation, 18th Federation
‘680’ - 17th Federation
‘009’ - 2nd club, 7th Federation
‘712’ - 11TH Federation
‘680’ - 2nd club, 2nd Federation
‘702’ - 13th Federation
‘075’ - 20th Federation
‘692’ – 2nd club, 2nd Federation
‘695’ – 15th Federation