Gambakokzid RO 10 x 25g
Product Information
Gambakokzid RO 10 x 25g
10 x 25 g sachet
Gambakokzid RO
is one of our most popular products for the treatment and prevention of Trichomoniasis (canker) and intestinal Coccidiosis and inflamation of crop muscosa worldwide. For the treatment and prevention in the loft it is recommended to add to the drinking water. Simply add 2 g of powder per 1 litre of drinking water for a period of 6 days. Drinking water volumes refer to normal consumption levels and should be doubled on hot days.
Gambakokzid RO
does not have any known negative side-effects.
Besides canker, coccidiae are the most frequent protozoan endoparasites of pigeons. Coccidiae live in the small intestine and, just like canker, they cause a so called „factor disease”. This means, they are an indicator of the organisms’ resistance. Coccidiae often occur amongst young pigeons. They indicate low immunity, stress, collateral infections, worms or poor management of the loft. Today, the relevance of coccidiodis as a spontaneously occurring disease is rather low. However, it is an important reason for a potential loss of condition.
Pigeon coccidiae are protozoa of the type Eimeria spp., which reproduce in the epithelia cells of the small intestine. The pigeons live in balance with coccidiae, i.e., as long as they are healthy, they show no symptoms. They get infected by ingesting the oocytes with the droppings of infected pigeons. It is important to know that only sporulated oocytes are invasive. This means that only eggs which developed in the environment can cause a disease. The development time (sporulation time) is 24-48 hours. This is why a regular and thorough cleaning of the loft is very important in combating the spread of coccidiae. In case of a low immunity, the course of the disease can become acute, causing diarrhea, problems with ingestion, dehydration, and excessive loss of weight.
Early symptoms go from slightly soft droppings to slimy-watery to greenish, sometimes blood strained diarrhea.
Microscopic examination of fecal samples.
You can treat the pigeons with
Gambakokzid RO
Gamba-Tabs R
. At the same time you should administer
Bt-Amin® forte
over the drinking water. n
After giving your pigeons any treatment it is always essential to clean and disinfect your drinkers thoroughly.
Tip – Always get your birds tested before blind treatin